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the changing role of women

"I have frequently been questioned, especially by women, of how I could reconcile family life with a scientific career. Well, it has not been easy." -Marie Curie

"The Woman's Party is made up of women of all races, creeds and nationalities who are united on the one program of working to raise the status of women."

-Alice Paul

Women started to have a more active role in the the workforce and as a result their fashion changed.
Following the ratification of 19th amendment, women took on more active lifestyles. Clothing was adapted for the everyday wear. Tailored suits were loose of physical constraints which represented the freeing of social constraints felt by women. [78]

A common outfit for a working woman was a straight, curveless dress with bust flattening brassieres and a belt worn around the waist. [79]

Along with the new clothing trends, for the first time women were able to wear wristwatches, a fashionable yet functional accessory to their new lifestyle. [80]
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